Index of /school/cs164/as2/
Name | Last Modified | Size |
2017-10-28 22:14 | - | |
2011-07-11 07:00 | 1k | |
2011-07-11 07:00 | 1k | |
2011-07-11 07:00 | 46k | |
2011-07-11 07:00 | 17k | |
2011-07-11 07:00 | 17k | |
2011-07-11 07:00 | 1k | |
2011-07-11 07:00 | 1k |
Readme file - smtp recieve server
Ryan Hoskin - XXX-XX-3343 - CS164
Assignment 2
To compile:
g++ -o m m.c
To run:
m <port #>
This program is designed to run as a daemon process. First the program opens a socket on the desired port which is specified by the user during the initialization of the program. the program then runs forever until the kill command is given. the sigint and sighandle signals are disabled, making the program run as a daemon. next the client's socket is bound the the specified port and interaction can begin. the user enters a finite state machine where entries such as mail, rcpt, data, etc... can be entered. (more info for the fsm can be found on the 164 webpage, it is redundant for me to describe what occurs in each state). the user is required to follow specific syntax procedures for each state and once each of these procedures has been followed the data that they have entered, such as from, to, subject, etc.. has been entered it is stored in the 3 log files. cases of quitting in the wrong case are also handled.
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